A Presidents Forum was held in the RSL Memorial Hall on Friday 7th October 2022. Thank you to everyone who attended in person or via Teams.

As committed by the board, there is a summary of the topics discussed and some follow up that will be completed in October.

At the bottom of this page you will find:

  • CEO Presentation

  • Explanatory Memo regarding the proposed new RSL SA Constitution

  • Draft Constitution - proposed version

  • Strategic Plan

Another theme of the meeting was the level of communication from the State Branch, which no doubt has been raised at many similar meetings.  While there is a commitment to transparency, the challenge for the State Branch is to interpret the “communication” requests of 128 Sub-Branches.  

For the last three years, the State Board has used the following instruments to ensure transparency is being provided to the members:

·        RSL SA Strategic Plan – This is reviewed monthly by the State Board and actioned accordingly

·        Audited Financial Reports published in the annual report and the AIS on the ACNC website.

·        Presidents bulletins, media releases and other ESO communications as received

As discussed the State Branch is planning to increase the frequency and type of communication to its members with the appointment of a part-time Membership and Admin Coordinator in October. 

Additionally, there was a question relating to the purpose of the ANZAC Remembrance Appeal Trust Fund and comments that the Board were not complying with the purpose of this charity.  Please see the following link which outlines the charities’ purpose and as per the presentation on Friday the State Branch is fully compliant with delivering on the purpose of the Trust https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/charities/5063c0ea-39af-e811-a963-000d3ad244fd/profile

Finally, State Branch Next Steps following the Presidents Forum are… 

  • Explanatory Memo regarding the proposed new RSL SA ConstitutionPublish draft Constitution (completed)

  • Finalise the draft Election By Law at November State Board meeting

  • Discuss and approve/amend draft Constitution at Extraordinary Sub Branch Conference (ESBC) – Dec 2 2022

  • Enact Election By Law at ESBC with 21 days notice

  • Appoint a Returning Officer in February/March to call for nominations

  • Conduct an election if required.

  • Ratify board positions and approve all by laws at Annual Sub Branch Conference in May (pending outcome of the above process)

  • Provide Sub-branches a summary of State Board Meetings

David Grenvold, CEO RSL SA State Branch

David Grenvold, CEO RSL SA State Branch